I was in my late 20s when I started to learn how to cook. It was a challenge – burnt foods and blaring smoke and carbon monoxide detectors yelling “Fire! Fire!” kind of challenge. But I eventually learned to cook – graduated from scrambled eggs and white rice to curries and two-tiered dairy-free cakes! No small feat. Then I had my first child and learned that he was allergic to dairy that would result in anaphylactic shock if consumed. So I had to re-learn how to cook to make sure I made sweets and savories that were dairy free without compromise to flavor. A challenge I wholeheartedly took on to make sure that my son was never deprived of all the eats and treats his heart desired. Now, as my kids get older, the foods I cook are an opportunity to both feed their bodies and nourish their souls with stories of my younger self. My hope is to share a piece of my childhood by highlighting dairy-free versions of the foods I grew up on, the new dairy-free foods I have been introduced to, and the stories that bring the food and the heart all together.