Picture of  my local neighborhood park during the Fall of 2023. The Mid-Atlantic falls always leave me in awe. I am so lucky to have such beauty at my doorstep.

About Me

Hello! I am Sunayna a working mom and wife just meandering through the daily chaos of life. I was born in Sri Lanka, lived for a short period in the UAE, grew up in Hong Kong, and have spent the better part of my adult life in the United States. Like that isn’t enough diversity for one person, I am East Indian and am in an interracial marriage. My diverse background lends itself to a plethora of experiences - both positive and negative.  

I left home when I was 19, off to college in America miles away from my home in Asia. I was ever so excited. Independence! Freedom! Adulthood! It was all fine and dandy until I realized that I had left an entire life behind – family, friends, and food. Temporary tradeoffs, at least that is what I told myself. But four years turned to six years, turned to 10 years, turned to 20+ years. Marriage, kids, and a demanding corporate job later – I relish in the new life I have created.

The adjustments to my new life were hard at first, but over the course of the decades my life has grown to fit like a glove. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life! I have a husband, two youngish kids, and a life filled with ups and downs that make me laugh, smile and cry all at one.

My website and associated blogs are a capture of my life, a share of my stories to connect with those that can relate or with those that may be curious, and an opportunity to document the meandering paths and decisions that have made me the mom meanderer that I am today. I hope you bookmark mommeanderer.com for the blog posts, recipes, and all the other tidbits of tales and information that may pique your interest.

That's me, Sunayna, icing a dairy-free Oreo cake for my daughter's 7th birthday.